AND just in case Dakota sees this, that WASN'T meant in a mean way at all... ; )
Isn't he just PRECIOUS? Of course he is!!
But for Dakota's sake I have to show you all what a handsome fellow he has grown into!
Haley used to tell me she was "spicy cold!" in the winter and afraid of the "unders" during thunder storms.
This could be a picture of Haley when she is "spicy cold" but...
It's not... She's jumping at the flash from the camera, SHHH... she just might still be afraid of the "unders".
Julian once said, "mom look at me! I am telepathetic!....as he steped on the head of a broom and bonked himself with the handle...
Elisabeth spends her time looking in the "mirra" "a" then looking in the "mirra" some more...
I have the most amazing kids in the world!! I am so thankful for them!
I like the pics that you put up. Its fun to see your kids as babies