Kendra Montage

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The American Gestapo

I have started to write the book I have been planning to write FOREVER.  Initially I thought that I would write my whole life story until I discovered memoirs. Of course I seem to discover things long after the normal world has discovered them (possibly a lingering effect of my bazaar childhood)

 I have decided to call my book "Legalized Kidnapping and the American Gestapo" The idea came to me as I was on my way home from work. I sat contemplating the things that I would like to write in a memoir and remembered that I had already written the documentation of what had happened when my children were "legally kidnapped" I call it that because in my mind any time a child is taken from a parent and that child and parent WANT to be together it is nothing short of kidnapping REGARDLESS of why the person took the child.  Of course I realize that DCFS would NEVER agree with my point of view and guess what...that's okay because I don't agree with theirs.

My mom goes to church with a gal that she thinks "is an alright kind of gal" because this lady quit DCFS after refusing to lie in court about a family. I know some may be sitting there reading this thinking what??? But honestly I am not the first person to experience the corruption and deceit called "DCFS".  Something I realized about DCFS is that their name will tell you EXACTLY what they are all about Division of Child and Family Services = Division of Child and Family.  It is a horrifying thought when you come to understand the power that they have.

I always think it is interesting when I talk to strangers about my views on DCFS and they always have a look in their eyes like I am crazy or I must approve of child abuse or something. It seems so unfortunate to me that so many people don't really know what that entity is really all about. They don't understand that we have a living Gestapo in our midst. Those who have worked for them or have been involved with them will eventually uncover the truth of my words in some form or another.

I should make it clear that I am not claiming every person working for DCFS is corrupt or that they all have a monetary or hidden agenda, but there are some who are very powerful that are corrupt and they DO have a monetary or hidden agenda... I would never have believed it if I hadn't experienced it myself.  I learned that DCFS is paid Federal dollars based on how many children they have in foster care. They don't receive those same funds for those that are left in the home. Hmmm... That alone gives them HUGE incentive, but there are other things lurking behind those sweet smiles and sheeps eyes. People who want to save the world regardless of who they hurt trying to do it...Those who have power trips...and many other personality types who we trust to make the right decisions about how to protect our children.

The reality is that what you don't know CAN hurt you. So I decided that my story should be heard with all the facts included. Hopefully someone will be able to gain a sense of hope when they read my story and realize that good really can overcome evil and things really can work out for the best even after the most horrifying experiences. We all have the power to be what ever we dream of, we just need to have faith and trust in God to lead us down the correct paths even if those paths are prickly and painful...