Kendra Montage

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I was so excited to find an old friend I hadn't seen in years. More than I care to admit.  I was thrilled to receive her first note to me indicating her excitement that I had found her after all these years. I wrote back to her and of course I asked all the usual let's get to know each other questions and eagerly await her reply!

Is there anyone you can think of that you would like to reconnect with from your youth?  Take a trip down memory lane with old pictures or year books you may be surprised at things you had forgotten that come to mind. =)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

People are of infinite worth...

I know I shouldn't take things so personal but, people should remember that each soul is of INFINITE worth regardless of where they live, what they drive, what they wear, how much money they make etc... Christ lived on the generosity of those around him. He said to give of your substance to those who are in need. He never said "only give if it doesn't depreciate your home value, or if it is convenient, or if you feel like it."

In the scriptures it says to "remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God" (D&C 18: 10)

Jacob told his people:
  20 And now, my brethren, I have spoken unto you concerning pride; and those of you which have afflicted your neighbor, and persecuted him because ye were proud in your hearts, of the things which God hath given you, what say ye of it?

  21 Do ye not suppose that such things are abominable unto him who created all flesh? And the one being is as precious in his sight as the other. And all flesh is of the dust; and for the selfsame end hath he created them, that they should keep his acommandments and glorify him forever. (Jacob 2 20-21)

And King Benjamin said,
17. And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn awisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the bservice of your cfellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.

  18. Behold, ye have called me your king; and if I, whom ye call your king, do labor to aserve you, then ought not ye to labor to serve one another? (Mosiah 2: 17-18)

I hope a material possession is never more important to you than another human being.

Friday, May 14, 2010

How are you doing?

I ran into a friend at work a few days ago and promised I would write more. I also promised a friend from church and I have been TERRIBLE about it. So to them I say I'm sorry.

I know there were people who were concerned and thinking of me around the year anniversary of Kendra's death. I am grateful to know that people care. It means a lot to me.

On the one year anniversary of my babies death I had a day just like any other day. I felt a little astonished that it had already been a full year since we said our goodbyes.  I still hear her little voice in my head telling me, "mommy, I don't want you to be sad." She said those words to me on a night shortly after her first chemo treatment when I was feeling particularly sad about the idea of her dying.  I have no doubt in my mind that her little soul is standing there whispering in my ear during those times when I am feeling particularly desperate to see her little face and hold her close again.

I think I got off easily on the one year anniversary. The last couple of days have been a bit rough. I look at the video montage of Kendra and I think how could God take that precious little girl from me because I needed her so much, and then I realize he needed her too and she earned glory in the life to come. I guess it sucks to be me.

I often think how glad I am that she will never know the malice of the world outside my front door. I am so grateful that she will only know the joy and love of being with our savior. And I am so grateful that I have a testimony of a life after death and the pure love of Christ because with out the thought that I will see her again I am not so sure I would be coping as well as I do, most of the time.
I recently decided to take my children out of school and am quickly finding out how much work it is to prepare a days worth of work and activities to keep young minds engaged and excited...

I spent about six hours over the last three days in a school supply store sifting through the wide range of possible curricula available in search of something that will encourage my children to think for themselves and not simply follow along and be told what to do. I hope that by having them learn at home and adding in some moral instruction they will be able to stand firm when they see things happening that they disagree with.

I am of the opinion that good, solid leadership skills are sadly lacking in our society. There are many out there who are opinionated and passionate, however, they haven't been taught basic moral values or they choose to disregard them saying they are old fashioned and inhibitory.

I am interested in hearing what others think about public school and home schooling. This is a great conversation to have about our children, they are the future after all!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Lar-zon Bunch

Our version of "The Brady Bunch"
Here's a story of a feisty lady who was bringing up 4 very hyper kids, all of them were so high strung, just like their mother... except the second one. It's a story of a man named Dzierzon who was busy with two kids of his own. They were three kids living all together and they were all alone. Til the one day when the lady met this fellow... and they knew that it was much more than a hunch, that this group must somehow form a family... that' the way we all became the Lar-zon bunch, the Lar-zon bunch, the Lar-zon bunch. That's the way we became the Lar-zon bunch!

Our version of "Head, shoulders, knee's, and toes"
Head cold, sneeze on toast, sneeze on toast, sneeze on toast, head cold sneeze on toast, my poor runn-y nose. (Winter 2004)

The ABC's Margaret style...
A..B..Q..Z..mustard, ketchup, pickles, hamburger, bread, and cheese if you please, lettuce if you let us, mayo on top, onions and fries AND a sprite, I don't know my ABC's next time won't you eat with me?

ABC's Elisabeth style...(with some family help)
AC/DC we like you, your band is better than 2 live crew, we will listen when we wanna rock, please don't resuscitate when we are in shock. We don't know our ABC's because head banging is the cause of our disease.

Seriously NEVER listen to 2 live crew VERY BAD music with nasty lyrics =0

Friday, February 5, 2010

de-friending "friends"

Okay so what is the politically correct way to "de-friend" a friend?  And are there any real reasons to do so? I think typically people just take you off their friend list and hope that you don't notice, which let's be honest, unless you have like 300 people on your friend list and you don't care about most of them anyway, eventually you are going to notice!

I have actually had that most pleasant experience of pulling up my friends list and looking for someone I wanted to check in on and finding that I am no longer their "friend" although I see them almost every day at work and we talk as though we are "friends".  I have thought of several reasons why I may no longer be their friend, which include:
they think I'm too smart...they think I'm too funny...they think I'm too pretty... well you get the idea.

Any way I have just de-friended some people for my first time and the funny thing is it wasn't because they were too smart...too funny... or too pretty. NOPE it was because they had too much MONEY!

I know, I know... I should be ashamed, but honestly I don't think they live in the same world as me or the same reality for that matter so I'm seriously wondering what on Earth could we have in common. Honestly... NOTHING so when I got tired of reading about how they were in Florida and then in New York and then in Hawaii and all kinds of other wonderful places ...well you get the point.  I just decided contact with aliens is strictly prohibited. Whew... I feel sooo much better already!

So all you poor folk like me...and everyone else I didn't de-friend. I just have to say I LOVE YOU! thanks for being real ;-)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

One flew over the cuckoos nest AND I just may follow...

I know I have been gone for what seems like forever, but writing truly is therapeutic so I am back...

Many of my friends are aware of the trying situation I have been having with Dakota. I was totally amazed at how word spreads faster than fire around the neighborhood when a juicy piece of gossip slips from an innocent siblings mouth.  I had no sooner got home from the hospital than I had people calling to find out if everything was okay and if they could help somehow.

Now don't get me wrong if no one had called I would have felt seriously abandoned and unloved... so thank you all for your love and support!  But I can just imagine the telephone wires around my neighborhood buzzing with the news of Dakota's most recent incident, which is likely going to cost me thousands... say good bye to your education fund my dear. All those docs in the PICU will be sending their kids to college with it.

Now, I know people are just a bit curious and have good intentions, but I am seriously wondering when another family in the neighborhood will be taking our place on the stage. Dakota has decided that he has had enough of "drama" as he calls it, and I didn't have the heart to tell him that he was born into a family that knows nothing but drama, and if he has had enough he may have to disown us all and move to Siberia!

I read another blog tonight where someone wondered why a child "watching her in action" would choose to come to her family and have her as a mother and I have OFTEN asked my self the same question after some contemplation about my children. I think I have an answer. Its something like this...we were all in heaven and God took us aside one by one and showed us potential life situations and we watched with our innocent unknowing eyes and thought oh that won't be so bad. I can do that! Give me the toughest challenge so I can make you proud! And then we came to Earth and got our wake up call!  Not that it is our parents fault at all, but rather that the mere fact of living in this world brings heart ache and uncertainty into our lives for the sake of learning and growth not just for our children but for us as parents. At this point I feel like I have learned QUITE enough and am ready for my vacation package I was promised at the end... I'm imagining nice warm beaches in some tropical paradise with a cool breeze and all the food I can eat, never ending strawberry daiquiri's (virgin of course), NEVER getting fat and absolutely no cares in the world ... "sigh".

So to that dear sweet friend who is contemplating bringing another child into this world I just want you to know that as a mother of six heartbroken and traumatized children, "I FEEL YOUR PAIN!" My favorite quote is from Mother Theresa who said, "I know God only gives us what we can handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much!"