Kendra Montage

Friday, May 14, 2010

I recently decided to take my children out of school and am quickly finding out how much work it is to prepare a days worth of work and activities to keep young minds engaged and excited...

I spent about six hours over the last three days in a school supply store sifting through the wide range of possible curricula available in search of something that will encourage my children to think for themselves and not simply follow along and be told what to do. I hope that by having them learn at home and adding in some moral instruction they will be able to stand firm when they see things happening that they disagree with.

I am of the opinion that good, solid leadership skills are sadly lacking in our society. There are many out there who are opinionated and passionate, however, they haven't been taught basic moral values or they choose to disregard them saying they are old fashioned and inhibitory.

I am interested in hearing what others think about public school and home schooling. This is a great conversation to have about our children, they are the future after all!


  1. I'm getting close to wanting to home school myself! The parents where I live believe their children will grow up to be doctors or lawyers and so their academic expectations are out of control. The schools comply with this nonsense. The parents are always trying to do the job of the school teachers. They also beg for money from other parents constantly to help with the budget crisis, that I'm not convinced would exist if the money was used appropriately!

    I can't even tell you how many times I am caught by a mother who goes on and on about the latest student meltdown and her own uninformed opinion on it! Isn't that a FERPA violation? It has to be against some law for parents to play psychiatrist in the school yard with each other.

    I wrote a ranting post about all this yesterday. Maybe you saw it. Maybe not. But you have to check out these two posts. and

    It's so sad to see our youth being reared by parents who refuse to be parents.

  2. Wow, such a hot topic! Well I have 3 kids in public school & one 7th grader I am currently home schooling.

    Honestly, I think that there are a lot of positives & negatives to both options.

    The major reason I home school is to spend more time with my kid before he is grown up & gone.
    And...the Jr. High School age can be tough for teens AND their parents!

    Rhonda good luck with home schooling it is really tough, time consuming & rewarding @ the same time!

